Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6th

From a Simple Mind

Going to try this out... I am
just a word tosser... but a lazy
one... don't know if I have
enough in my mind to do a daily
blog. So don't expect much...
posted by Word Tosser at 10:39 PM 0 comments

That was 312 post ago, and
7000+ people looking in ago.

Yep, it has been a year ago.
And it has been fun. Hopefully
I can still come up with things
to write about. I am not here
to set the world on fire. Not here
to change people's minds. Just
maybe have some thoughts that
might have others thinking... but
mostly to find the humor in life's
deals that are dealt out to all of
us at one time or another.

That was my mission a year
ago, and that hasn't changed
much. Don't like the soap box
part. So will work on having
less of that.


Thank you Dave O and
Marianne L.
I, think, (smile) it was
the two of you who got
me to do this.

Hopefully it has been as much
fun for everyone, as it is for me.
As I try to do my motto....
"To do no harm"


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Lovely Motto!!! Lovely Blog!!

Love ya......

Mari Meehan said...

Your postings are among those that make me smile and remember the good things in life. Don't ever change and don't ever stop my friend.

Happy anniversary or birthday or whatever you want to call it!

JBelle said...

Congratulations and best wishes for your continued success in blogging.