Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Home Remedies....

I was kind of watching Kelly and Michael show… and they were talking about some of their families home remedies…

Kelly mention how her father would take a bit of horse manure and put it on a sore and then tell her or her siblings to go outside and play. Michael talked about having an aunt who would spray WD-40 on their sores.

And anyone who has watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding remembers the father’s remedy of Windex that cured everything.. from killing ants to curing sores.

So how many do you remember from your past? I can remember a very elderly aunt, who would give me a teaspoon of sugar and a glass of water, to take the sugar quickly…followed quickly by the drink of water.  It cured the hiccups.. And I still use it to this day. I first try to just get over it.. and that works sometimes.. but when it doesn’t
i bring out Aunt Em’s sugar and water combo.
I also put tobacco on my kids bee sticks to take out the sting.  
I also had a friend tell me that Vick will take care of any sore,
even if it has already started to get infected. Just clean it out
well, and put Vick on it… And believe it or not, it works well.
Be it a mouth sore, or a cut on the finger.

I can remember reading a series of book a long time ago, which I forgot the name of them, but it was about the 1920’s and 1930’s in the Ozarks. It was information gathered I believe by college students on how to live life. From how to cure meat, take care of hides of the animals you kill, for coats and gloves and etc. And of course the home remedies.. Which to most of us was a humor of the finest kind. How to get rid of warts… take a dishrag, wash the wart, take the dishrag and dig a hole on your neighbor’s property and bury it. And many more funny ones.

So what old home remedy did your parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents have that you still use to this day… or you wouldn’t try no matter what was said?

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