Thursday, November 29, 2012

Got my Christmas cards mailed...

Ok, so I am sick.. but you got to understand..
The week before Thanksgiving.. I was getting
my extra table and chairs down for our dinner.

There was the Christmas boxes of stuff…so took
some of them down too, as we will be using them
It was …to quote Snoopy……
It was a dark and gloomy day…
with nothing really to do, I went out and
got the Christmas cards I bought last year.
Found my list of those who sent cards last year..
and started.. address all the envelopes first.
and then started in..

Some I didn’t have to write anything in them. I see
them or talk to them often enough, they don’t need
an update.

I have never been one of those who has such an
interesting life, that I can do the form letter to everyone.
So added a few words to those who I hadn’t talked to
since last year at this time..

And Saturday after Thanksgiving… I mailed them..
laughing all the way home.. Knowing I would freak
out of few…. Yet others won’t be surprised.
it is just that I like to get it out of the way.

Got 99% of my baked goods done for baskets.. Just
need to load them up.. which I will do about the 14th,
and give them away. Then it is just as good as done.
I have some of our outside lights all ready and lit each night.
Yep, let’s get this over with and get on with the new year.

As you can see, I am not a very good Christmas person.

Bah, Humbug… lol…

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