Thursday, February 18, 2016

And the survey said.....

Over the years I have been
ask to answer questions about my blog.
These are usually sent by students of
colleges who are either doing an essay
of their own..(the first one was..10 years
ago) or the school itself is running a project
about people.. (the second one was for
senior citizens writing blogs).

One always wonder if they are legit or not.
And what happens to that information. Does
it disappear into cyber space, papers or
a cd at the college? And do they use our
names?  Two said no.  

While the young man who contacted me
10 years ago.. we converse on by emails
at first.. me answering some questions he
had.. and then he followed it up with a
phone call, so he could talk to me about
a couple of my answers.  One of which was
of great humor to him, was my story about
how I got my kids to return to the house for
lunch. (for those who don't remember or
go back that far.. I use to shoot off the shot
gun, because our dog which was ALWAYS
with the kids, was scared of guns.. and he
would run for home, which the kids knew
if he headed for home.. they had to do the
same)...  We lived in the hills.

One of them wondered if I would change my
blogging habits if I knew they were watching
me and what I wrote.  And the answer is no.
I am what I am... as Popeye would say.

Have to wonder, what it was about my blog
that they thought it was interesting enough
to get ahold of me and find out what I was
thinking.  Interesting... say what?  

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