Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Early Yard Work

So it wasn't a perfect day.. at least it wasn't a
sunshine day.. but warm enough for a sweater
and vest.

I got my trusty pruning tool out, and ended
up getting the larger one too, so I could
cut some of the bigger branches off. 

After two hours I had a ball that was 5 feet
tall of clematis branches, and some from
another type of bush..  and dead leaves all
over the place.

I rounded up the ball the best I could,
lifted it up and walked to the back of the yard
with it.. looking like a walking bush with legs.

By the time I got done.. (I had 5 clematis
bushes, and two unknown named bushes done)
and I was sore.. All over.. my arms, my hands
from clipping and clipping... my back from all
the bending.. But it felt soooooo good to be
back outside, even in the gloomy but warm
day. This was so good for my cabin fever.
So much more to do..

But Aleve take me away.. along with a nice
hot shower..
now where did I put those seed catalogs again?

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