Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Delayed by storm....

We had a storm come in last night. The winds were
heavy in some places.. we got up to 30 mph at one
time..   But other areas had in the 50's and some even
almost 70..   Now where I come from.. (the East Coast)
that is what we call a hurricane.

There is no school in our area, as there are so many
without electric.  We lost ours for about 4 and half hours.
We got it back for 2 minutes.. just long enough for me to
set all the clocks and as I was heading back to bed..everything
went black again.   Surprising how quiet everything is.

But we regain electric at 11:30pm.. and this time I waited
10 minutes before I set all the clocks again.. Blinking
clocks drive me crazy..   and the King depends on them
for getting up in the morning..  Well, not so much
depends on them, but when he wakes up for a bit, he
can see how much more time he has before he gets up at
2:30am.  He has an battery alarm clock, but he wakes
before it goes off..  Which I am grateful for, as he has a
Sponge Bob alarm clock from the days of his passion of
Sponge Bob with our grandson.  So being woke at 2:30 am
to "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Sponge Bob, Sponge Bob, Sponge Bob Square Pants!"

This morning he got up and went to work, only  to find
out that the school is closed.. so he stayed long enough
to tell the drivers that didn't get the message... that there
is no school, so go home and back to bed.  Bus drivers
come in about 5 to 5:30am.. to head out.  And the King
was home by 6:00am.. and asleep in the chair as I got up
at 7. I was woke at 5:15am by the school district auto call
that calls the house as well as his cell phone, but went back
to sleep.

Today is clean up day.. and Avista is working hard to get

everybody back up on line, with their electricity. 

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