Monday, January 18, 2016

Another Generation of dying....

At my age, I kind of expect to see different
entertainers from my youth to be dying now.
After all, most of them are or were about 5
or 10 years older than I.   So talking about
80+ years... 

But of late, it is my kid's generation who is
leaving us.

Donna Douglas.... Beverly Hillbillies
James Best .........Dukes of Hazard
Alan Rickman ..... Harry Potter and so many more
Dan Haggerty.......Grizzly Adams
David Bowie.........  Singer, among much more
David Magulie........ Ghost Busters...
Pat Harrington......... One Day at a time
Natalie Cole............. Singer 

All of these, especially the movies and television shows
are the shows that my kids watched.... And these are
not ones who died of drug overdose, that can be the
case, for many dying early. 

Times passes us by..

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