Monday, December 19, 2016

Simpler times, even in movies...

As I watched the movie called SOUND OF MUSIC,
last night…I was thinking about how it was so nice
to go to the movies in the past. Even the King mention

The King and I, as we watch the previews on television
or the ones that come on Netflix… have said a couple
of times.. how it seems like the movies are getting
more violent.  And as we look thru the choices, it
is hard to find something new that isn’t so violent.

I like movies that make me laugh… and I also like
true stories… The King likes westerns, and we
both like ones about kids that do well.  We just
aren’t into stories of people beating or killing
each other.  He likes a thriller from time to time..
Guess our common ground is the comedies.

I heard years and years ago.. that as the nation goes
the movies go the opposite.  That during wars we
had more comedy and musicals.. and when the
wars were over, we did thrillers and cops and robbers
type..  Well, if that is true, then we must be over
joyed with happiness

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