Yes, raising children is darn hard work,
but worth the journey.
Raising children has many multi-phases.
Some do it the correct way... marriage and two
parents. Some decide they want children and
not a husband. Some adopt. And some just
have children, without a plan.
There are lots of books on raising children,
but mostly none of them are correct.
You can try to raise your children like
your parents did with you. If they were good
But the bottom line is, every child is different.
They are different than other peoples children,
and they are different from their own siblings.
So trying to raise them like all other children,
is frustrating for you as well as the child.
If you are raising your children with your spouse,
or alone, or with a divorce parent, it isn't going
to be easy. And I am afraid the news of
your children can be raised as your best friend,
really just doesn't work. There is discipline that is
needed to guide them thru life. And they will
not appreciate that, well for 12 years they won't.
There are going to be lots of times you will not
be popular with your kids. And you will get ...
"well, Fred's mom let's him"... and the standard
answer is..Well, I am not Fred's mom, and I am
doing the best I can.
I told my kids, I have to look at myself at the end of
the day, and I am the one who will decide for now,
if I did it right. I will allow things I know you will be
safe at. I will not let you go where I don't know
you will be safe. There was chores and home work
that came before play. There were no allowances,
but if we had money, and there was a movie.. as a
treat, not as an entitlement.
Was I the best Mom? Well, you would have to ask
my kids...but I was the best Mom, that I could be.
I had lots of fun with the kids, we camped, we had
water fights in the house, we went fishing, swimming.
My job was to raise these kids up safe, and hope they
were happy most of the time. They learn how to do
a job right. Learning to do it right the first time gave
them time for play.
I tried to each them good work ethics. I taught them
to be honest. I taught them to do no harm to others.
And most of all to know how to laugh and love...
I laid down the foundation, and the kids took off and
built on that..
I hope I did it right. It looks like I did.
Ireland 2025: Day Two
11 hours ago